bombASSbabes Session 1

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BombASSbabes is a mini-series celebrating the tenacious broads of Cincinnati. The short films explore a sundry of hobbies, skills, and enthusiasms women choose to pour their creative energy into.

The hope is to expose what it means to live in tensions between vulnerable and unapologetic, tender and rooted, humble and bold, plus the millions more we call upon ourselves as we seek balance.

BombASSbabes welcomes trans, genderqueer, and non-binary people.


Brooklynn Hansley singing an original song, Product.

Listen to her other original music here.

Biz writes: why is Brooklynn a babe. I met Brooklynn after she absolutely knocked out the room with a dazzling Amy Winehouse song during Northside Tavern's karaoke night. Quite literally, her performance left me stunned enough that I turned to my friend and whispered, "Hell yes, I need to know her," and then introduced myself. To my delight, it was an instant connection, and we've been friends for over two years. All in all, Brooklynn is the brightest sparks of joy. Her laugh is so vivacious and charming that you can't help but feel like you're floating in her presence.

Brooklynn writes: why she's a babe. I feel so grateful that even as a young gal, I've been naturally inclined towards inclusion and acceptance, that loving others has always been a top priority. I really cherish getting to be a safe space for others.

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