bombASSbabes Session 7

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BombASSbabes is a mini-series celebrating the tenacious broads of Cincinnati. The short films explore a sundry of hobbies, skills, and enthusiasms women choose to pour their creative energy into.

The hope is to expose what it means to live in tensions between vulnerable and unapologetic, tender and rooted, humble and bold, plus the millions more we call upon ourselves as we seek balance.

BombASSbabes welcomes trans, genderqueer, and non-binary people.

"Flash Foxy began as an online platform in 2014 to celebrate women climbing with women and to be a place where women could come to feel inspired by and connected to each other. In 2016 we held the inaugural Women’s Climbing Festival and now continue to bring women climbers together through a variety of events across the country." VOICES: Marcine Encinas | Melissa Deitzer | Blair Wong | Sofia Janotti | Taylor Jefferson MUSIC: Ben Sloan FILM: Biz Young


What it's like to experience an all-female climbing festival.

Check out the organizers of the festival — Flash Foxy.  

Biz writes: Why it's so great. I've been climbing for about seven years now and in that time, I've found nothing that comes close to the energy climbing brings. There's certainly something special about people who bond over ripped skin, blood on the wall, bruises for days, and a ravishing hunger that will have you devouring an entire Miguel's Pizza with only one Ale-8. So when a climbing festival comes around, it's basically a giant celebration of your truest self, shrouded among other people that inherently "get" your weird love of touching every textured wall surface for good holds. Now if that's being in your element, imagine going a level deeper: attending a festival that checks multiple boxes of your identity all at once. An event that is tailored specifically for YOU. How often do you get an experience like that? That's what Flash Foxy is like, an all-ladies climbing festival that feels like a warm sweater right out of the dryer. I'll let the women of the video do the rest of the talking, but just know that after attending this event, I was glowing for at least a month.

Check out other bombASSbabes videos here and stay tuned for more episodes on the third Saturday of every month!

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