Meet Our Fall Residents


Summer may have stuck around longer than expected with its oppressive heat and humidity, but Women of Cincy is already celebrating the new season with the arrival of their fall residents.

“What’s a resident?” you may be asking. Good question! A resident is like an intern — only better. Here at Women of Cincy, we take mentorship seriously. So seriously that it’s one of our four pillars. You won’t find our interns, err... residents doing menial work such as schelping papers and fetching coffee. Nope. No way. Our residents are essential to Women of Cincy. We give our residents the opportunity to explore their interests, grow personally and professionally, network with the awesome women of this city, and align their career paths with their passions.

Our resident team has grown even more this fall! We’re welcoming two editorial residents, one social media resident, one junior resident, and one design resident to our team. They help keep Women of Cincy moving toward their goals of celebrating the many women in this city through storytelling, collaboration, community, and mentorship.

Now –  without further ado – meet our fall residents!

Karina Baffa, Editorial Resident


Karina is a senior at the University of Cincinnati, navigating her way through a journalism degree. Her love for writing and passion for the community are what led her to Women of Cincy.

What’s Karina’s guilty pleasure? “Putting an embarrassing amount of time and energy into my skincare routine.”

“Surrounding myself with supportive, dedicated women empowers me to be the best I can be. It has been a breath of fresh air to work alongside women whose passions and intentions lie within bettering our community.” –Karina

Stephanie Smith, Editorial Resident


Stephanie is a super senior – and a first generation student – at the University of Cincinnati, majoring in journalism with minors in electronic media and English. Stephanie decided to get involved with Women of Cincy to help her rediscover her hometown.

Stephanie’s a little hesitant in confessing her guilty pleasure — only because she broke her soap addiction years ago: "I got sucked back into 'Days of Our Lives' this summer, thanks to the Ciara and Ben storyline. I’m a sucker for redemption stories, and I’m really, really, reeeeeeeally curious how a serial killer is going to be redeemed."

“As someone who was born, raised and has spent most of her life in Cincinnati, I’ve become oblivious to what the city has to offer. I’m grateful to be around those who are passionate about Cincinnati; their passion is helping me see it with fresh eyes.” –Stephanie

Olivianah Baugh, Social Media Resident


Olivianah is a freshman at Xavier University, majoring in computer science. Her passions include travel, French bulldogs, female empowerment, and community… a perfect fit with Women of Cincy!

When she’s not at Union Hall, Olivianah can be found enjoying Graeter’s cookie dough ice cream (her guilty pleasure!) and having spontaneous dance parties.

"I love working alongside talented, motivated, and creative women who work everyday toward their passions. The community surrounding Women of Cincy always has something new to offer about the amazing women of this city.” –Olivianah

Samantha Knight, Graphic Design Resident


Samantha is a third-year electronic media student at the University of Cincinnati. Her focus is on design, web production and digital marketing, all which will be put to good use at Women of Cincy.

Samantha’s a total cat person: She loves her cat Bean and loves embroidering cats that may or may not look like him. During her free time, she’s likely putting on a face mask, watching Netflix, and indulging in her guilty pleasure of eating an entire container of hummus in one sitting.

“To be included in a passionate and motivated team of women whose goals align with mine is so inspiring. The environment is very welcoming, and I’m excited to see the growth and impact of this organization.” –Samantha

Mariama Dodd, Junior Resident

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Mariama is a high school senior at the School for Creative and Performing Arts where she is currently a 3D artist. Mariama loves reading, writing, painting, all things BBC, and bad rom coms (the latter two being her guilty pleasures).

"I am excited to be part of Women of Cincy because it is a company whose missions and goals are much larger than one person. I am ready to learn how to be a bridge to women of all ages, color, and background who have one thing in common: changing Cincinnati.” –Mariama