Snapshots from Stories + Fun with Women of Cincy
Photo by Chelsie Walter.
Alex Larrison films "Because of Her" series with event attendees.
On Friday, November 17, locals climbed to the second floor of People’s Liberty for Stories + Fun with Women of Cincy to share stuffed grape leaves, hummus, wine, and good company.
Recap by Tracy P. Van Wagner. Photography by Chelsie Walter and Kali Robinson.
Alex Larrison of Larrison Photography captured 28 videos as attendees shared stories about the influential women in their lives. Women of Cincy will release “Because of Her,” a series of these uplifting videos, in December. Attendees also shared watercolors and stamps as part of an interactive art project in which each completed the sentence, “A woman is…”, creating pieces that were just as unique and beautiful as their creators!
Special thanks to Wave Pool, Heartfelt Tidbits, and The Welcome Project for providing homemade snacks, a gorgeous backdrop for the videos, and the base of the art installation.
The event raised nearly $100 for The Welcome Project, which aids and empowers at-risk refugees and immigrants through a variety of projects, including help with settling in to affordable housing, teaching them how to use their skills to support themselves in their new community, and providing a space in which they can improve their language skills and connect with other refugees, immigrants, and other members of the community.
The event was part of People’s Liberty’s Intermission series. People’s Liberty is a philanthropic organization that provides grants and mentorship to public-minded individuals, allowing them to make their humanitarian ideas a reality and promote positive change in Greater Cincinnati.