Posts tagged Community Mix
Ash Conway on Creating Space for Queer Birders

Burnet Woods, the 90-acre park near the University of Cincinnati in Clifton, is an important stopover for many migratory bird species. After an arduous flight north or south, a brief sojourn in the park for a scarlet tanager in the spring or a pine warbler in the fall could mean the difference between life and death. Here, beside a pond of gently quacking pairs of mallard ducks, I had the delightful opportunity to meet Ash Conway, the founder of the birding group Queer Birders of Cincinnati

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Art Shows, Music Fests, Family Reunions, and More: Summer and Fall Events in Cincinnati

What can be better than attending an event full of people dedicated to energizing their city and each other? Everything feels more meaningful when you think about the time, energy, sweat, and tears that go into organizing a book reading, or speaker series. By being intentional with our time, our empathy, and our cash, we can support the people building up communities and uplifting others. 

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Maya Goertemoeller on Service with Passion, Purpose, and Inclusion

“Best all-around gal” was how the C-Ring Women's Leadership Award was first presented in 1922. It was an award given by the University of Cincinnati Athletics Department. The award, like the world around it, has evolved and transformed in the more than 100 years since it was first presented. 

The C-Ring award is now presented by the UC Women’s Center and is awarded to a woman-identifying or non-binary graduating senior student who demonstrates outstanding leadership on and off campus. Faculty and staff nominate students, and the lengthy selection process begins. Through rounds of interviews and applications, five final nominees are ultimately chosen, with one winner picked by the selection committee.

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Dr. Kara Ayers on Disability, Connection, and Empathy

Dr. Kara Ayers knows the importance of empathy to change hearts, minds, and actions. From navigating a disability, finding community support, expanding her research and prolific career, lobbying policymakers, and raising her family, empathy underscores Dr. Ayers’ life. The summer sun poured into her brightly colored office at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital as we talked about why community connections change lives, what’s missing when we talk about disability, and how we can do better in caring for each other.

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Ask UPLIFT: Health Care Resources Plus

Health Care Resources Plus, Inc. (HCRP) is a community-based healthcare company whose mission is to promote the health and safety of individuals, families, and communities through the provision of equitable health and medical services by positively impacting organizational policies that affect health. Everyone deserves access to quality health care. To that end, HCRP makes available diverse healthcare services that improve the quality of life and prevent unhealthy conditions. These services include nursing and medical services, education, training, occupational/worker, health care programming, and management. 

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Ohio Voting Has Changed. We've Got Answers.

There is a special election in August for Ohio. In November, there will be a general election. State constitutional amendments, school board members, and other government positions are on the ballot.

However, Ohio’s voting laws have changed since the last election. You will need to show an unexpired photo ID to vote in person. We have compiled the information you need for both the special election and the general election.

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Soumya Jaiswal on the Story of Us and the Lessons of Reproductive Justice 

Soumya Jaiswal drives the fight for reproductive health care and abortion access on and off UC’s campus. Throughout our conversation, Soumya mentioned the tenets of the reproductive justice movement – centralizing the inherent right of bodily autonomy, addressing other issues that quell an individual’s rights, uplifting intersectionality, giving the power to govern back to the people, and emphasizing the strength of collective movement. 

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In the Kitchen with Dora Cheng of Yee Mama

Findlay Kitchen on Elm St. is alive with energy and smells. At its core, Findlay Kitchen is a co-working space for those whose business is really good food. In the early hours of the morning, sounds of timers beeping and phones answered with a “Yes, chef?” echo through the halls lined with kitchens – offices for food making. Assistants cart bread through the halls, and cookies bake in an oven nearby as I talked with Dora Cheng. 

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Get up and Grow with the Civic Garden Center

On a ridiculously windy February afternoon, I met Executive Director Karen Kahle at the Civic Garden Center (C.G.C.). Tucked away at the corner of William Howard Taft and Reading Road, the C.G.C., located inside the Hauck Botanic Gardens, is a plant lover's dream. Despite the cold, the property is full of life and activity as Karen and I sit down to chat about history, native plants, building community, ecology, and how we can all be better stewards of this place we call home.

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Giving Flowers to Cincinnati’s Black Women 

We celebrate Black stories all year. Women of Cincy’s staff gathered just a few snippets from interviews over the years that celebrate the unique perspectives, culture, mindsets, familial and community connections, and influences that arise from the Black experience. Celebrating Black stories is not just one action but instead is made up of many individual stories that coincide together. You can celebrate more Black stories with us here

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